Monday, September 12, 2011

God Bless America

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine years had passed since I cried in the middle of the night watching my television as the tower burn and minutes later witnessed the citizens who came to assist in rescue running away chased by the thick white dust as they ran for their lives when the second tower was hit. We know then the rescue firemen were trapped behind. This followed with thousands or maybe millions of civilians and militaries died as we responded the attack on twin towers with war on terror. Not only that the market starts to fall but we have lost our basic rights due to Patriotic Act. Security measures were implemented and just getting into our job facilities and other buildings took hours in line to get inspected. Time was spent more being in line for inspection than the traveling itself as our baggage were inspected even the inside of our wallets which gave some inspectors the chance to steal my money as I was told to stand on the side while my body was being searched. I started wearing flat slip on shoes to show that in no way that a bomb can be hidden in it, this also let me walk ahead and faster to the terminal. Home Security became a job as we spent trillions of our government money on this war of terror. We started to feel the effect as companies closing and people losing their jobs, their houses and especially their pride. This became a domino effect overseas. If there are jobs left, the positions are mostly taken of names we can not pronounce or we can’t spell and the first that the President’s name became foreign. What it is after nine years is the thousand years old religious war was brought in the heart of America now that we have to decide to burn the Koran in response to the building of the Mosque near the ground zero. Sadly to say, that we forgot that America was built for our Christian freedom. As the lady of liberty still holds her torch… "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" God Bless America!

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